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Insight papers

Looking for new ways to raise awareness around a particular disease or hot topic? Sponsoring our new InSight papers allows you to support the publication of peer-reviewed content in leading medical journals in a visual format.

The peer-reviewed layout is simple – one to two pages of largely image based material, and one to two pages of explanatory notes and references. All published alongside the usual journal articles.

Benefits of sponsoring

  • InSight papers enhance readers understanding of a particular area and give them a useful, quick and visual overview of crucial topics.
  • High quality graphics and an innovative new presentation concisely representing hot topics will enhance reader experience and help them to gain an understanding of important issues

InSight papers lend themselves well to sharing, for example on social media, so learning will be extended beyond the readership of the journal.

Suggested topics 

  • Guides to diagnosing a difficult disease
  • Guides to mechanisms of a particular class of drugs
  • Explanations of current issues such as antibiotic resistance
  • Visual representations of neurological conditions
  • Guides to how diseases operate, such as circulating tumour cells, evolution of certain viruses etc
  • Genetics of certain diseases
  • Surgical techniques

How does sponsorship work?

InSight papers are independently written and peer-reviewed, but will be financially supported by a sponsor where they feel that their company will benefit from the educational message of the paper.

  • The sponsorship price includes financial support for the InSight paper and includes re-drawing and open access fees
  • Additional sponsorship options include InSight printed posters or brochures and advertising to highlight the InSight paper when published

The process

OUP approaches the editor-in-chief of the journal to get agreement in principle and to agree topics.

OUP approaches a relevant sponsor with a suggested topic.

OUP contacts the editor-in-chief to agree an appropriate independent author.

Sponsor agrees to provide financial support and sign a contract.

OUP commission the author and agree timelines.

Once written and peer-reviewed,  InSight papers are re-drawn to a high standard.

Editor-in-Chief approves final content.

Sponsors are sent the InSight for review.

Published online in PDF format with an HTML abstract, and in the printed journal with a clear acknowledgement of the funding provided by the sponsor, stating that they have no influence on the content.

Estimated timeline from signed contract to published content is 6 months.

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Calling Researchers, Authors and Funders

Looking for the perfect venue to publish your latest research and data?  Would you like to take the lead and guest edit a supplement on a particular topic?  We are currently accepting supplement proposals for selected medical journals.

Digital advertising

Advertising with Oxford University Press gives you tried and tested ways of reaching significant audiences with a range of tailored options.  Our team of specialists go above and beyond to find the right match for your campaign and are experts at listening to your needs and finding the right fit.

OUP's Plan S compliant fully open access journals

Researchers who need to comply with cOAlition S funder policies can do so by publishing in OUP’s fully open access journals. The most influential researchers and research institutions are represented as members and authors in our top-tier journals.

Virtual Roundtables

Virtual Webinars and Roundtables offer you the opportunity to host content with a top medical journal published by Oxford University Press. Your pre-recorded webinar will be accompanied by a short article written by the webinar moderator. Both the video and the article will be peer-reviewed prior to publication, ensuring that the content is trusted by readers.