Oxford University Press publishes a range of top-flight, highly cited oncology journals which offer advertisers and sponsors the chance to reach active opinion leaders, practitioners and researchers in oncology across the world.
The Oncologist is dedicated to translating the latest research developments into the best multidimensional care for cancer patients.
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes 12 issues per year in print and online. The journal publishes manuscripts that describe novel findings of significance in cancer research with a particular focus on clinical, epidemiologic, behavioral, and health outcomes studies.
The Journal of is internationally acclaimed as the source for the most up-to-date news and information from the rapidly changing fields of cancer research and treatment. For the past several years, JNCI has been ranked as one of the most cited original-research cancer journals by the Institute of Scientific Information in its annual Journal Citation Reports with a 2023 Impact Factor of 10.3.
The Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology is an online only, multidisciplinary journal for clinical oncologists which publishes high quality articles on medical oncology, clinical trials, radiology, surgery, basic research, epidemiology, and palliative care, with particular emphasis on the Asian region. It has an Impact Factor of 2.4.
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- Oncologists, internists, surgeons, cancer researchers, epidemiologists, and policy-makers.
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