Open access supplements
Publish your supplement in OUP's Plan S compliant fully open access journals
Oxford University Press is the largest university press publisher of open access research. It publishes over 100 fully open access journals, more than 180 open access monographs, and offers an open access publishing option on more than 500 journals.
Since 2004, it has published over 200,000 open access papers across all major subject areas. The press publishes more than 1,500 OA articles per month.
Check out our list of Medical Open Access Journals
OUP is leading the way in open access publishing
Researchers who need to comply with cOAlition S funder policies can do so by publishing in OUP’s fully open access journal. The most influential researchers and research institutions are represented as members and authors in our top-tier journals from leading medical societies.
Impressive stats
- The Oncologist - 5-year Impact Factor of 6.458
- OFID- 15% of all ID articles published in Gold OA journals were in OFID
- Clinical Kidney Journal - #2 ranking in the Urology and Neprology category*
- Virus Evolution #1 ranking in Virology category*
*For Open Access journals
Why publish a supplement with OUP?
An OUP supplement is a themed collection of peer review papers published in one of our leading medical society journals. An OUP spot survey found 80% of HCPs agreed that peer-reviewed supplements are useful for their practice.
The OUP Difference
- Exceptional professional support throughout supplement publishing process
- High quality peer review with rapid editorial decisions & timely publication
- Customized promotional plan for your publication for greatest visibility
- Article-level metrics are available to monitor usage and engagement
Benefits of publishing OA
Reach broader audiences
- Open Access broadens the total reach of your article as anyone can read your work
- News outlets can easily reference your research to contribute to important stories
- Social media users can find and share your article, widening the potential audience
Increase impact of your research
OA adds value to the scholarly publishing process by maximizing discoverability and distribution of your research materials online. A recent study in BMJ estimated that:
- On average, OA articles receive 89% more full-text downloads
- 23% more unique visitors than articles published under traditional licenses
- Higher visibility can lead to more citations.
- SPARC Europe estimates that OA articles receive on average 50% more citations
Contact us to find out more.
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Find out about publishing a supplement with OUP's Open Access Journals.Reprints
Article reprints and ePrints are a tried and tested solution, valued by healthcare practitioners and scientific researchers globally – whether it’s up to date guidelines, or cutting-edge research everyone wants to be kept informed via credible, peer-reviewed sources.