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Publication rights

What is our policy?

For the majority of journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP), we have a policy of acquiring a sole and exclusive licence for all published content, rather than asking authors to transfer ownership of their copyright, which has been common practice in the past. We believe this policy more carefully balances the interests of our authors with our need to maintain the viability and reputation of the journals through which our authors are accorded status, recognition, and widespread distribution. In developing this policy we have been guided by the following principles:

  • As a university press and not-for-profit academic publisher, we rely heavily on the good relationships we have with our authors. Having a licensing policy which enables an author to be identified as the owner of the copyright in an article is one of the key ways of demonstrating how highly we value these relationships.

  • An exclusive licence enables the centralised and efficient management of permissions and licencing, ensuring the widest dissemination of the content through intermediaries;

  • Exclusive rights also enable OUP to take measures on behalf of our authors against infringement, inappropriate use of an article, libel or plagiarism;

  • At the same time, by maintaining exclusive rights, in all media for all published content, we can monitor and uphold the integrity of an article once refereed and accepted for publication to be maintained;

Please note - Although the majority of the journals published by OUP operate exclusive copyright agreements, some of our society journal may require an assignment of copyright. For further information, please refer to the Authors Guidelines sections of the Journal’s homepage.

Copyright agreements

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Government employees

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  • Responsibility for clearing these third party permissions must be borne by the Author, and this process completed as soon as possible - preferably before acceptance of the manuscript, but if not possible, before the Article reaches the Production stage of the process.

Rights retained by ALL Oxford journal authors

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  • Simply visit the required journal on Oxford Academic and locate your desired content.

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For questions about using the Rightslink service, please contact our journals permissions team, or email Rightslink customer care:

Author self-archiving policies

Journals from Oxford also offer a range of author self-archiving polices, permitting authors to share and distribute various versions of their articles. For full details of our self-archiving policies please see our Author self-archiving page.


  • All requests to reuse the article, in whole or in part, in another publication will be handled by Oxford journals. Unless otherwise stated, any permission fees will be retained by the Journal concerned. Where possible, any requests to reproduce substantial parts of the article (including in other OUP publications) will be subject to your approval (which is deemed to be given if we have not heard from you within 4 weeks of the permission being granted).

  • If copyright of the article is held by someone other than the Author, e.g. the Author's employer, Oxford journals requires non-exclusive permission to administer any requests from third parties.

  • The Journal is registered with the Copyright Licensing Agency (London) and the Copyright Clearance Center (Danvers, Massachusetts), and other Reproduction Rights Organizations. These are non-profit organizations which offer centralised licensing arrangements for photocopying on behalf of publishers such as OUP.

  • Please forward requests to re-use all or part or your article, or to use figures contained within it, to the journals permissions team.

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