Complying with funder policies on open access
Open access funder policies
A growing number of funding agencies state that research they have funded must be made open access. It’s advisable to look at the policy information as published by the funder and we have included direct links to a range of funder policies below. Funder policies are generally directed at open access for research articles, but an increasing number will include a policy provision for books and long-form research. In looking at funder policies you should take note of funding requirements and how funding for open access should be included in grant applications or applied for directly. In the conditions for compliance take note of when and how an open access version should be made available (often related to any permissible embargo periods), and what licences are permissible or required.
Some policies require deposit of research articles in PMC – where subject relevant, OUP deposits open access articles in PMC on behalf of authors.
Further information on OUP’s support for open access for research articles and books
Funder policies for authors
Find out more about these open access and open science funder policies:
- Academy of Finland
- Agence Nationale de la Recherce (ANR)
- Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP)
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- British Heart Foundation (BHF)
- Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
- Dutch Research Council (NWO)
- European Research Council (ERC)
- European Commission
- FORTE: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
- FORMAS: A Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development
- Fonds de recherche du Québec
- Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia: FCT
- FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds
- Horizon Europe (2021-2027)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- Luxembourg National Research Fund
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- National Science Centre Poland
- Parkinson’s UK
- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
- Swiss National Science Federation (SNSF)
- Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF)
- The Research Council of Norway
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (UKRI’s OA policy for books)
- Versus Arthritis
- Wellcome Trust
- World Bank
- World Health Organization (WHO)
CHORUS at Oxford University Press
CHORUS is a public-private partnership between publishers, libraries, research institutions and government funding agencies. It has been designed to provide a sustainable solution for delivering public access to research articles based on US federal funding. CHORUS takes advantage of existing technologies to provide authors with a simple compliance process. To comply with participating funder policies, authors publishing in OUP journals should declare their funding as part of the article submission process.
Find out more about which funders are participating in CHORUS
Transformative Journals at OUP
OUP is committed to sustainable Open Access (OA) publishing and working with our society partners to ensure funder compliance on behalf of our authors. In addition to our fully OA publishing programme and transformative agreements, we are piloting transformative journal status for a selection of journals (listed below). These journals are committing to increase the proportion of OA content annually and to transition to fully OA as soon as possible and in any event no later than when 75% of its research content is published Open Access.
Subscription prices for OUP journals are calculated based only on the value of the articles that are not available open access. The journals’ open access content is supported separately by article processing charges (APCs).
2022 Research Articles Published Total |
2022 Research Articles Published Gold Open Access |
2022 Open Access %
2023 Growth Target
Plant Cell |
199 |
49 |
25% |
30% |
Plant Physiology |
463 |
128 |
28% |
33% |
Journal of Leukocyte Biology |
101 |
10 |
10% |
15% |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
3787 |
698 |
18% |
23% |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters |
166 |
13 |
8% |
13% |
Geophysical Journal International |
519 |
113 |
22% |
27% |
FEMS Microbiology Ecology |
151 |
36 |
24% |
29% |
FEMS Yeast Research |
61 |
29 |
48% |
55% |
FEMS Reviews |
52 |
32 |
62% |
71% |
Pathogens and Disease |
43 |
5 |
12% |
17% |
Briefings in Bioinformatics |
619 |
152 |
25% |
30% |
View OUP’s annual report on our Transformative Journals.
OUP’s anti-double-dipping policy
OUP are committed to the principle that subscribing customers are paying for access to content not available open access. We separate the pricing of OA and subscription content:
Subscription content is paid for by subscriptions, and OA content is funded by APCs (whether paid individually or through our Read and Publish agreements).
Subscription prices change year-on-year based on changes in content published, inflation, costs, and general market conditions.
Open access content is treated entirely separately and is not factored into subscription pricing.